
June Wrap Up and July Goals

June Wrap Up and July Goals

I love new months. Looking back on the previous month, reflecting, noticing my accomplishments and then looking forward to the next month and setting goals. I have a lot of goals for July, notebooking, writing, reading, and crocheting. It’s a big list, but I look forward to seeing what I…
2020 Summer Bookaday

2020 Summer Bookaday

For the last few years, I have embraced Donalyn Miller’s summer Bookaday challenge. I count the days from the last day of school to the day I go back and aim to read that many books. Now, I typically use the summer to read up on my adult books I’ve…
Week 2: NetGalley Readathon

Week 2: NetGalley Readathon

Week 2 for the NetGalley Readathon was a good one! I finished three books and all three were really great. Check mark is for books I have finished. Circle is for books I am currently reading. Here are the books I finished: I highly recommend this graphic novel. This was…
September Reads

September Reads

I read 21 books last month! I am proud that I kept up my reading, but need to pick up the pace if I want to meet my goal of 365 books for the year. I am currently at 222 books and so that means I will need to read…
Summer Bookaday Final

Summer Bookaday Final

With the craziness of the first week of school, I forgot to post my Summer Bookaday Challenge Final! My goal was 84 books and I surpassed that goal by reading 91 books! Look at my hour al pages for specifics on what books and categories and for my must reads.…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

July 29-August 4 I finished up quite a few books and have started some really amazing ones. Books I Finished 180 Days by Gallagher and Kittle was an enlightening and really helpful book I read as my professional development this summer. It was realistic, easy to read, and had great…


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? July 15-21 It was an amazing reading week because of the 24 in 48 readathon this weekend! Books I Finished During the readathon, I did a “Picture Book Frenzy” and read a lot of picture books for my Lit Review Crew! I will be…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Well, it’s actually Tuesday…but better late than never right? Books I Finished Spinner of Dreams is released August 27 and Gravemaidens October 29. Both books were amazing and beautiful, so preorder now! Option Pile I also had some fun with book pictures: The most exciting thing that has been going…