
Reading Expectations In Our Classroom

Reading Expectations In Our Classroom

Every teacher has there own reading expectations. I have tried to tailor my reading expectations to fit my students as much as possible. I try to make my expectations as “real world” as I can, while still encouraging a love of reading and requiring reading. Reading Expectations We read every…
10 Facts That Make Me A Book Dragon

10 Facts That Make Me A Book Dragon

I know, I know…Book Dragon is a little silly, but it is the best way to describe myself as a reader. I was born in the Year of the Dragon. I’m obsessive. I devour. I hoard. I recently read another blog post by a fellow bookstagrammer (Hira Amjad’s Blog (readers.nook) that…
Bookshelf Love

Bookshelf Love

I recently rearranged my bookshelves for the first time in two years. The last time I rearranged my shelves was because we had moved, so it was a necessity. Why had I neglected my bookshelves? The answers: I became a mom I had a baby I became a teacher My…
The Great Debate: E-reader or Paperback?

The Great Debate: E-reader or Paperback?

Or does it need to be a debate? This has been a asked over and over as e-readers have become more affordable and easier to gain access to. There are cheap e-readers or apps for your phone that allow you to carry as many books as you “need” wherever you…
Organizing the Reviews

Organizing the Reviews

  I am not normally an organized person, however I believe books can be “easily” (ha, not really) organized. I have decided to categories my reviews based on the main genre of a book. Now, books have many genres. There are main genres, there are sub-genres and books can fit…
Blogging About Reading

Blogging About Reading

Okay, so I will be honest here. This is my first post I have ever made on a blog. (It will most likely be my longest post too!) I am really excited, and a little nervous. I thought I would share some of my thoughts about why I decided to…